American Ginseng Nourishing Soup
100g for 2-4 pax
Flavour: Naturally sweet & slightly bitter
Benefit: Traditionally used to help nourish the lungs, improve the flow of Qi and lethargic.
Ingredients: American Ginseng, Wild Astragalus, Polygonatum, Liquorice Root, Rhizoma ChuanXiong, Red Date, Goji Berry.
Storage: Freshly packed. Keep refrigerated.
100g (2-4人份)
味道 : 清甜略苦
功效 : 補益肺氣,有助于乏氣無力,精神不振
功效 : 補益肺氣,有助于乏氣無力,精神不振
成份:洋參, 野北耆, 玉竹, 甘草, 川芎, 紅棗, 枸杞